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Are you a seasoned Tech Executive seeking more fulfillment 

and the opportunity to DO MORE GOOD in your next role?


Get the Tactical & Emotional Support You Need 

to Rock Your Next Executive Job Search… 

So You Can Enjoy Success 


Your situation is unique.


At Talent For Good,

we meet you where you’re at in your job search process,


helping you get the clarity, focus & strategies you need to succeed.

Let’s not sugar coat it… 

NO ONE wants to be stuck in the limbo of a job search – especially in today’s highly mercurial job market. Navigating a path to your next ideal role on your own can feel incredibly daunting, and even hopeless at times.


Getting out your resume day after day—only to wonder if a real human will actually ever lay eyes on it!—may provoke a rollercoaster of challenging emotions. 

The Rollercoaster of Emotions that accompanies a job search...

If you’re experiencing this cycle of action and demotivation, know that you are not alone.


Job loss is now recognized as one of the five most stressful life events, up there in impact with the loss of a loved one or a major illness.


That’s why executive job seekers don’t just need proven tactics and expert guidance for successfully navigating into a career you love…


You also need the powerful emotional resilience tools that empower you to surf the big waves of a tumultuous job market…so that you can move with clarity, grit, and big-hearted joy towards your ideal leadership role.

The Real Cost of Going It Alone

How much is the uncertainty in your executive job search process costing you?

How much precious mental & emotional energy gets eaten up each day in wondering exactly what tactics you should be focusing on to find success?


How many ideal companies are passing by your leadership credentials and superpowers, because recruiters are not even seeing your resume?


How many opportunities are being lost because you’re not sure how to best leverage your existing networks, and tap into best-fit pools of job resources?

Uncertainty may be unnecessarily delaying your journey to success. It doesn’t have to be this way!

Turn Your Job Search Into the Ultimate Life Upgrade Moment

The job search can feel like a “Long, Dark Night of the Soul…”

Wondering if that recruiter will call you back…

Hurrying to complete another project submission on time…

Facing pressure to quickly decide on multiple offers…

Each of these moments takes a direct toll on the mind and body. Meeting with dead-ends and anxious moments over and over can activate your body’s fight-or-flight and freeze modes. When this happens, the brain focuses on avoiding pain, rather than working creatively to make optimal choices.

Left untended, this ongoing dysregulation of the nervous system opens a Pandora’s box on a whole range of challenging emotions—doubt, shame, fear, anger, a sense of isolation, and much more.

When these potent emotions start overshadowing your vision, it becomes nearly impossible to focus on your goals and to keep motivated to take the actions that will get you through.

It’s essential to have tools to meet these moments, so that you can more quickly rebalance and refocus.

That’s why our Executive Job Search Coaching not only gives you proven strategies for lifting up your job search, but also focuses on building out your personal inner well-being toolkit.

We equip job seekers with a potent set of proven grounding and resilience skills that enable you to regulate your nervous system and alchemize your own emotional state:

These self-care skills will serve you not only in honing the focus and determination you need in your job search; these tools also help you to enjoy greater clarity and emotional well-being in your life as a whole–whether in your professional leadership capacity, or in your personal life.

Take Control of Your Job Search

Get Expert Help With Our Proven 3-Step Job Search Coaching Process